Maintenance and cleaning



STABILObed® covered with PureMed™ material should be cleaned in neutral pH (7) soap solution applied with a soft sponge or a damp cloth. Rub gently and wipe dry to remove the rest of the detergent. In order to keep the original colour and shine level, the procedure should be repeated every month.

Stains should come out if you use 25% solution of ethanol. Rub gently and wipe dry to remove the rest of the detergent. Please, bear it in mind that some stains might not be completely removed from the cleaned surface. It depends on several factors like active dyers permanently migrating to the material surface, the material composition and finish, or chemical composition of dirt; it is also important how long the soiling has remained on the material surface.

You should pay particular attention to the generally available domestic cleansers whose components might react with the soiling and cause effect contrary to what was originally intended.

Remember that STABILObed® products should never be cleaned with domestic cleansers and cleaning agents that are generally recommended for ‘eco-leather’.